Saturday 26 January 2013

New New Books

... that is, as opposed to new second hand books, which make up most of my book purchases.
Mum and dad gave me a book token for Christmas which I spent in Waterstones a few weeks ago:
Girl Gone by Gillian Flynn - many many people over on Friday Reads have been reading this one, and since I picked up on Stephen King's 11/22/63 from there I thought I would trust their recommendation.
Care of Wooden Floors by Will Wiles - read about it somewhere and it was on my library request list but when I picked it up and read the first few sentences I knew I was going to love it, so I bought it.
Horoscopes for the Dead by Billy Collins - I reviewed one of his books three years ago and have been intent on some more.

Then I decided to spend my found money collection on books. I quite deliberately wanted to pick a variety of reading experiences, and so this bundle arrived in the post earlier this week:
The Complete Works by Michel de Montaigne (translated by Donald Frame) - having reviewed Saul's book the other week I decided to invest in some serious Renaissance reading, this is going to be quite a long term project at over 1300 pages.
Bento's Sketchbook by John Berger - this one had been on the wishlist for ages, since I read From A to X four years ago I have been planning to read more from John Berger, this is a book about drawing, but more than that.
The days run away like wild horses over the hills by Charles Bukowski - I quoted one of Bukowski's poems some time ago and after reading Post Office I have had it in mind to acquire a book of his poetry.
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly - another from the wishlist, something a bit different from my usual reads.
Dreamland by Madeliene Peyroux -  this was right back at the beginning of my wishlist so I have no idea where I heard about it. I have not bought any music in a long time.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very eclectic mix and perfect for a vibrant mind.


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